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I’ve worked in content for nearly a decade but here is where I really have fun 😉 Follow along for music festival dives, skin care tips, beauty advice and book recs. Hope you enjoy and please leave a note!

Weekly Roundup #89: Thanksgiving and Baby Yoda

Weekly Roundup #89: Thanksgiving and Baby Yoda

So I wasn’t planning on missing last week, but…it just got too crazy with the holiday so I figured why stress myself out trying to quickly finish everything? Annnd next week will be my last roundup for the year. Hopefully, I’ll post a couple other pieces in the next few weeks, but I want to prioritize spending the holidays with my family since I don’t get to see them enough as it is. ALSO, I’ve been thinking and, I spend so much time doing this roundup that it really takes away from my time (and enjoyment) for writing other pieces. So, I think I’ve made the decision to end these roundups after I’ve hit an even 100. If you have any thoughts, please leave a comment below!

xo, Katie


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, J.K. Rowling. It’s time for the annual reread!!!

101 Ways to Live Sustainably, Curbed. This list starts with simple everyday things you can do so…we should ALL get started on them! 💚 (Also, 101 literally made me tear up. WE are the ones who can create a better future, people!)

The False Promise of Morning Routines, The Atlantic. Honestly though, tell me you do that every morning. Because it’s hard enough for me to just wake up at 7:30 and that’s so that I can have a “leisurely” hour to get ready. Though it’s a VAST difference from getting up at 7 (I refused to get up any earlier because it made me sad) and rushing out the door in 25 minutes.

How High Can High-Waisted Pants Go? The New Yorker. As 👏🏼 high 👏🏼 as 👏🏼 they 👏🏼 want, IMO.

Typing These Two Letters Will Scare Your Young Co-Workers, The New York Times. YES. I’m well aware that I use exclamation points way too much and I’m trying to stop, but tone can just be read so differently in text/email/Slack/etc. However, I will never use “kk” at work.

Go Out on Mondays, Eater. Hmm…I’d be down to try it.

How Tiny Houses Became a Symbol of Resistance for Indigenous Women, Elle. This is amazing. “ ‘This isn't some trend or fad for us,’ Manuel says. ‘Tiny houses have potential to be so much more than that. We're here for the long run to fight for our lands.’ “

The Class of 2000 ‘Could Have Been Anything,’ The New York Times. This was…devastating.

The Correct Time to Eat Thanksgiving Dinner, The Atlantic. This is exactly what time we eat, can you guess when?

Why Baby Yoda Unequivocally, Unfortunately Rules , Variety. We got rid of cable so I’ve seen zero trailers for this, BUT I have seen images and I love him. I don’t care if “The Mandalorian” isn’t even that good—I may need to get Disney+ just so I can see this Baby Yoda(-species)!

The first 'Black Widow' trailer is out and it's an action-packed family reunion, CNN. I’m so down for this movie. I love Rachel Weisz, but also love a good backstory.

What Is A “Botox Facial” — & Is It Safe For Skin? The Zoe Report. Ok, I’m intrigued, but I don’t know about messing with my pores…not really into that.

The Jungle Prince of Delhi, The New York Times. So this story said on my computer, waiting to be read, for a few days, but once I started, it was pretty fuckin’ fascinating. I cannot imagine spending my entire life the way this family did. And to know Cyrus and Sakina died believing this lie is just tragic.

Has Social Media Made Parties Less Fun? Refinery29. I feel like this article is waaaaay overthinking it all…post a couple pics with your friends and the décor, then enjoy yourself, who cares?

Ruthless Quotas at Amazon Are Maiming Employees, The Atlantic. I am horrified by what I read in this article, though I suppose I’m not surprised. If you’re ordering from Amazon, delay your shipment if you’re able!! We don’t need to get things in two days, despite the convenience. There’s no reason for people to be injured, maimed or even killed over some sweater you might end up just returning or an extra set of headphones.

Vogue’s New Cover Is A Victory For Gender-Nonconforming People, Refinery29. This is really cool. “Although the origin of the term ‘muxe’ is uncertain, it’s thought to be derived from the Spanish word ‘mujer,’ meaning woman. Anthropologist Pablo Céspedes Vargas writes in an academic paper about muxes that this community of gender-nonconforming people is widely considered a third gender in Mexico.”

8 Reasons You Actually NEED to Take a Vacation, PopSugar. A much-needed reminder as we come up to the holidays and I feel guilty about taking a vacation to see my family. Definitely not in this headspace anymore!

Peloton’s viral ad captures a ‘116 lb woman’s YEARLONG fitness journey to becoming a 112 lb woman,’ MarketWatch. Oh. My. God. Fuck Pelaton 🤣 this is absurd.


Love You For a Long Time, Maggie Rogers.

Check out my Tunes highlight for all my most recent listens!


Vanderpump Rules, Bravo. Oh yeah, I’m rewatching this from the beginning. I also never saw Season 3 and 4 or something like that—where Scheana gets married?—so gotta see those eventually!

Weekly Roundup #90: Pockets and sweatsuits

Weekly Roundup #90: Pockets and sweatsuits

Weekly Roundup #88: Kindle and Tom Hanks

Weekly Roundup #88: Kindle and Tom Hanks